Inspiring Youth, Inspiring Me

Yesterday I accompanied Robert Manolson, a career development professional, to help facilitate a Communication/Leadership session for about 16 youth, aged 12-15 years. I spoke to them about my project, various things that I have learned throughout the experience, defining success with terms such as meaningful contribution, passion, courage, and how each new challenge we are presented with is just another opportunity to learn. Week Seven - Communication/Leadership FacilitationIt was awesome talking to kids about life skills that I feel are so important, and to hear them taking positive things away from the experience, made it so worthwhile. It is an important message and it will definitely be something that I will be doing in the future. One of the kids actually wanted my autograph afterwards which was really cute, so I signed my name a long with a reminder note: "Keep it real!"

Only one day left before I teach my first yoga class. There will also be a camera crew in as well just for some added pressure!
