Guest Post: Robert Manolson

robert-manolson-profile-pic2.jpgAs a Certified Career Development Professional and in the role of Career Counsellor, I meet youth and parents in their homes. This is a special time. It's a moment for the family unit to come together, reconnect, share perspectives, and listen with an open mind. Common questions center around which post secondary program to apply to, whether to work after high school or continue with post secondary education, which programs will be most useful, which job to apply for... I'd like to let you in on a little secret based on my many years of career counselling experiences. The pressure to clearly answer these and other questions comes not from the youth, but instead from the parents.

With an abundance of exciting work opportunities awaiting today's youth, it is no wonder that the vast amount of choices can quickly become overwhelming. Given this reality, we as parents reach out to our daughters and sons, and in support of their challenges to make the "right" career choices, tell them straight up that the most important thing is to be happy.

Attention Parents!! You can help your daughters and sons to do this, and they want you to. The career journey is not about one big decision regarding which program to take, which school to attend, which occupation to choose. Remind your teens that who they are, knowing themselves, following a life path that honours their interests, values, beliefs and passions is much bigger than any job or occupation.

~Robert Manolson

Robert is a Certified Career Development Professional based in Edmonton, Alberta and has over 25 years experience as a skilled speaker and persuasive presenter. Creator & Master Facilitator of Powerful Play Experiences, he facilitates organizations and groups in workplace fun & wellness workshops with highly engaging, innovative "Powerful Play Experiences."

Learn more about Robert, or contact him through his webiste: Powerful Play Experiences

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