6 Ways You Can Spread the Word About One Week Job

Danforth FestivalFirst off, Sean and I want to thank everyone for their continued interest and support of the One Week Job project. I've only been on the road with Sean for 4 weeks, and it's been an incredible experience. That said, we need your help! Yes, you, reading this on your computer screen right now.

We need you to help spread the word about the One Week Job project, allowing as many people as possible to join the journey and learn from Sean's weekly experiences.

In a perfect world, we would have thousands and thousands visitors to the website. In reality, this only happens when good people of the internet help the message go viral.

So if you'd like to help out, we've put together a brief list of ideas. If you've got some of your own, please share with the rest of us in the comments!

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1. Blog About The Project

If you have your own blog, write a post about your own thoughts on the One Week Job project. Better yet, embed your favourite episodes right in your post and offer your own commentary on what your thought of it.

2. Email Your Friends

Be the first on your blog to discover something new! Write an email to your friends far and wide, telling them about the project, with a link back to the site. There's no recommendation as powerful as the word of your friend.

3. Email your local newspapers/radio stations

Visit the websites of your local media and ask why they haven't written up a story or spoken about the One Week Job project yet. If they have, suggest a follow up story and spread the word among the masses!

4. Talk about it around the watercooler

Need something to chat about at lunch? One Week Job is the perfect awkward silence filler. All you have to do is start with, "Did you hear about this guy who's traveling around working a job a week?"

5. Download the show to your iPod

Did you know you can download One Week Job in you favourite format, and take it with you on your iPod? Watch it in the car, on the bus, and let curious people you meet have a look at the show.

6. Ask your favourite websites to write about it

If you have a few news/entertainment sites you like to visit, why not ask them to write about One Week Job? (Especially if this website happens to be BoingBoing, Steve Pavlina, or Seth Godin).

Once again, thanks to everyone who's followed Sean's trip thus far. We hope to entertain, enlighten, and inspire for many weeks to come.