Looking for some work experience this summer?

left @ sunset by blamfoto
I imagine many graduates are wondering what they're going to do this summer - whether any companies will be hiring for new positions in this economic downturn.

If you're having difficulty finding a full time position, an internship can be a great way to get some experience in the meantime and make you more marketable to future employers. Here's one for this summer that was passed on to me.

Sosauce (a travel website based in New York City) is offering an eight week Summer 2009 marketing internship followed by a two week socially conscious travel experience.

From the website: "For anyone who has ever dreamed of changing the world, this is your chance! You will gain incredible experience with a young company at a very exciting stage and have the opportunity to travel abroad, chronicle a socio-environmental issue, and have fun - all at the same time."

Here is the link to find out more information and apply for the spot.

Good luck!