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We’re thrilled to announce The One-Week Job Program!

The One-Week Job Program is designed to provide others the opportunity to participate in a similar experience to my original journey. The first semester of the program will take place this summer 2010.

Here's the low down:

1. 3 lucky individuals 2. 8 different jobs (one week at each) 3. $1500 per month

As I did during my 52 weeks, the selected applicants will blog about their experience on the website; they'll share stories from the road, all the career and life lessons they're learning, and provide readers with an insight into the 8 different jobs.

"Why are you doing this?"

Most of us graduate from school with little work experience. We may choose a job because it’s something our parents did, maybe our friends or school counselor thought we should do it, or perhaps after filling out a career questionnaire it was the only response the computer spat out. Our choices are often influenced by fear, external pressure, lack of knowledge, or financial burden due to mounting student debt, and we quickly settle into a secure job.

Often we have to put up with a crummy job to get where we want to go. That’s okay. We all have to put in our time. But how easily we can forget where we’re going.

After a while, it becomes blind routine.

As we take on further responsibility (mortgage, car payments, children), it becomes more difficult to make a change. We may wake up one day and realize that we never took the time to think about what we really wanted. “How did I end up here? I wanted to be a such and such. When did I decide to compromise my dreams, and settle for mediocrity?”

Many don’t have the chance to explore different options out of school; to take the time to find out what they need in a job to be happy.

I’m incredibly grateful I had this opportunity with my OWJ experience. I learned so much about careers, myself… It was amazing to hear stories of others who were inspired to make a change in their lives just from learning of my experience. They didn’t have to be on the road with me doing a different job each week, yet they were still able to learn alongside me.

By starting the One-Week Job Program, I want to continue this dialogue and provide a platform for others to have a similar experience whether as a participant in the program, or likewise following a participant’s journey on the blog.

I want to do all I can to open up this opportunity, share it, and to make it available to as many people as possible. In this way, we can inspire many.

This summer will be the first semester of the program with the hope that more grants will be made available in subsequent semesters. My vision is that the OWJ program will continue to grow from this first semester of 3 individuals into a developed curriculum that can be adopted by colleges/universities around the country; a credited course that involves time in the classroom, as well as time spent on the road performing one-week jobs to help students make an educated career decision.

Students would learn how to approach companies, how to handle themselves in the interview process, develop a professional resume, organize a personalized OWJ experience catered to their interests, and learn about different professions that appeal to them and which they might like to pursue after graduation. The last part of the course would be back in the classroom where students reflect on their experience, what they learned, and then put a plan in place for their future after graduation.

Of course, this can only happen with your help.

Please help us spread the word!


How to apply?

Step #1: Read the FAQ section

The One-Week Job Project hits book stores across the US in 12 days!


Are you willing to have one of the applicants work at your company? Great! Click here for more info.


We are currently seeking sponsors to help support the one week job program. If you’re interested in doing so, and would like to learn more about the opportunity, email us at: