Don't Want to Waste My Life

In 3 days, my life is going to change drastically. I am saying goodbye to my current job in TN

-working at a local bakery, and saying hello to 8 new jobs!

When I found out about the One-Week Job Program thru a tweet, I was struck with the thought: "This is what I've been dreaming about!"

To start off the adventure, I will be heading South to Athens, Georgia to work as a coffee roaster at Jittery Joes Coffee. I am ecstatic to work alongside roastmaster Charlie Mustard for a week. You might have always thought coffee just grew on a tree and the beans were picked and ready to go, but there is so much more to it!

Check out to see what they're all about and to order coffee!

So you're probably wondering what my 8 jobs are for the summer...

I'm not going to share all, but here's a sneak peak:

I will be traveling to Georgia, Wyoming, Washington, Tennessee, and possibly a few other states. You can look forward to reading about my week as a backpacking guide, a photographer, and as a marketer for a national retail company.

If any readers are located in these states and would be willing to host me or want to meet for coffee, or even invite me to dinner, email me:

How do I feel right now?

I'd like to say I'm confident, prepared, and fearless, but I am definitely the opposite! I feel good about this whole project though because it's already challenged me in huge ways.

Here are some things I'm learning:

1. Don't assume that the answer will be no.

Contacting different employers to set up jobs for this summer has been challenging since fear kicks in and makes me think I will be rejected. I have pushed through though, contacted companies that seem out of reach, and it has paid off!

2. Some people just don't get it and that's okay.

When someone initially hears I will be working 8 different jobs this summer, I am often met with an intense look of confusion. The idea is quite strange: I'm quitting my job to travel around the U.S. in search of my passion. Most of my friends and family "get it" and understand that this program has Kieley Best's name all over it. Some other people I've talked to didn't get the point of this summer adventure and repeatedly asked, "Why?"

Who cares if they don't think this is the most innovative program and that this is a huge opportunity.

To close this post, let me share a quote that I used in my high school graduation post:

"Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

It's ironic that I used that quote 2 years ago and it very eloquently sums up my life right now.

Get ready to follow the most crazy quest for my passion this summer! 10 days and counting...


If you are an employer and interested in having me work for you for a week, email me:

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