
Meet Sean Aiken In Vancouver - Thursday, July 29

One week jobber Amanda Lowe is in Vancouver this week, working with Reframe Marketing. As part of her tasks, she figured it would be great to promote an event about One Week Job!

So here's the deal:

We're holding a "pop-up" event just outside the Vancouver Art Gallery in downtown Vancouver. We'll have a booth to meet Sean Aiken, and a roaming guerrilla film crew (myself + Amanda) that will roam the streets and interview locals on topics like jobs and passion.

Check out the Facebook Event

Full Details:

  • Vancouver Art Gallery at 750 Hornby St (view map)
  • Thursday, July 29th 2010
  • 11am - 1pm

We will be starting in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery at 750 Hornby St, and moving around the core.

Hope to see you there!

- Ian