Job Sampling At The Rachael Ray Show

Rachel RayIt was a busy day at the Rachael Ray Show on Monday. I visited several different departments at the studio: in the Prep kitchen, post production department, props, web, and finished by helping choose the "snack of the day." Along with me was a director, a camera guy, and a sound guy. I felt like a host, trying out different roles, asking questions of the employees, and reporting on what goes on behind the scenes of the show.

I guess you could say I have experience with hosting: in our web episodes of One Week Job, I sort of act like a host; trying out different jobs, relating my experience and giving my thoughts. Though, in this case, it's different.

There is a sense of familiarity when Ian is behind the camera. After all, he's been my best friend for years. Ever since Elementary school, we would make short videos for fun, or if there was a school project assigned, we would always ask to make a video (so much easier than writing a paper).

It was an interesting experience having a professional crew follow me around at Rachael Ray. I enjoyed it. It felt like what Ian and I would do, though just on a different scale. I even received a compliment: the camera man has been in the business for 15 years and he thought I was a natural.

Who knows, perhaps what we used to do for fun could turn into a viable career?

There is so much organization that goes into a talk show. All of the departments must collaborate in order to bring it together - though each employee must remain focused on their specific part of the wheel in order for it to roll smoothly. I was lucky to experience it from an outsiders' perspective and see how it all comes together.

Everyone that I met seemed to genuinely enjoy their jobs and were more than happy to share their time with me. Thanks a lot!

The interview portion of the show is shot live to tape, so I don't know when my interview and segment will be aired. I'll be sure to post it to the blog when I hear!
